- Day 1 – 10 things about your lolita bubble.
- Day 2 – 10 things you love in lolita.
- Day 3 – 10 things you hate in lolita.
- Day 4 – 10 different kinds of food you like.
- Day 5 – 10 items from your wishlist.
- Day 6 – 10 things you can’t live without in lolita.
- Day 7 – 10 people who inspire your lolita style
- .Day 8 – 10 songs that inspire you for lolita.
- Day 9 – 10 things you will never do in lolita.
- Day 10 – What’s in your bag?
- Day 11 – One day in your lolita life in pictures.
- Day 12 – A picture of yourself before lolita came in to your life.
- Day 13 – A picture of your favorite sweets.
- Day 14 – A picture of your dream item.
- Day 15 – A picture of your last lolita purchase.
- Day 16 – Your outfit for the day.
- Day 17 – What do you want more then anything right now?
- Day 18 – A picture of your favorite lolita style.
- Day 19 – What’s in your make-up bag?
- Day 20 – A picture of a lolita friend.
- Day 21 – Your favorite fictional lolita.
- Day 22 – A picture of your room.
- Day 23 – A picture of your handwriting.
- Day 24 – A picture of you from a meet.
- Day 25 – Your favorite lolita themed artwork.
- Day 26 – Your Facebook profile picture.
- Day 27 – One song that fits your favorite lolita style.
- Day 28 – A picture of the perfect lolita location.
- Day 29 – A picture of a lolita you would love to meet for real.
- Day 30 – A photo of yourself taken today and 3 good things that’s happened over the last 30days.
30 dní za sebou určite nezvládnem....preto som sa rozhodla že jeden spravím každú nedeľu :) takže v podstate to bude 30 weeks lolita challenge....držte mi palce :3
Take care and wear bows ~.^
Jééé, tešííím! :D
OdpovedaťOdstrániťJa challengujem tak sporadicky, aj keď som aktuálne dáko zaseknutá :D